Covid is over. What do you want for your summer and what outcomes do you want. Can use these tools for whatever you have going on in your life: changing job, remodeling a kitchen, retiring, whatever.
Made partner at law firm and realized she didn’t like the office/work environment such as being asked to work during vacation in Paris. Megan hired a coach to help her leave the law firm to start her own business. She learned to let go.
Follow along on the Complete Reset Go handout. The first exercise: write down what you want to let go. Can be sad. Can cause anger.
This is called COMPLETION – look at handout Section 1. Burn the paper.
Section 2 RESET We each have different ways to approach a change or a goal. Visualization is a tool you can use as you are evaluating a change in your life. Second exercise: visualize where you will be in September. Write down your feelings. Draw pictures. Think about how you want to feel and why.
Section 3 GO What outcomes do you want this summer? Use the word outcome; SMART outcomes (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Bound). Look back to evaluate what you did, your results, and what else do you need to do or to let go of. Third Exercise: SMART outcome setting. Example: I will; I will do. Make it time bound. Example: by when.
What did I do? What were my results? What did I learn? What’s next?
Launching a group in July called “The Powerful Pivot”
Free exploration call – email Megan. Takes about 45 minutes
Theme song for the night: Fly – by The Chicks
Gals: Leigh, Shea, Kelly, Angela, Sharon, Sharon, Janice, Susan, Andi, Suzanne, Alexis, Megan
Speaker: Megan Moore, Professional Coach