My name is Julie. I am a mother of two teenage children. I started a women’s group, known as Global Gals, at the beginning of 2008. At the time, I had recently turned 40 and found myself wondering how I could be a positive role model for my children by taking care of myself, giving back to the community, and cultivating intimate friendships.
To help me on this new discovery, I decided to get together with my intelligent, kind, caring, busy women friends to discuss what’s on our minds. Within a safe, friendly, supportive environment we have been able to educate ourselves about politics, financial security, public education, health issues and many other topics. For more than 8 years, we have participated in an adopt-a-family program over the holiday season. We take walks on the beach, we host jewelry parties, and try to have a little bit of fun.
Our 10 year anniversary happened in 2018. Thankfully, my friend Suzanne kept and located my original email that I sent to a group of gals introducing the Global Gals concept. Thank you, Suzanne!
My Vision from that first year:
A gathering of girlfriends to discuss women’s and girls’ issues and to make changes locally with the global environment in mind.
Hello Ladies,
Many years ago, my sister Katie used to get together with her girlfriends and they called themselves “Global Gals.” At that time, I thought it was a great idea and have held the thought in the back of my mind. Now here I am, all grown up with my own children, preparing to send the first one off to kindergarten. I find myself plagued by uneasy thoughts about our local, state, and federal well-being and a strong desire to talk about my thoughts. Perhaps its because I have entered mid-age, or perhaps its because my children are growing so quickly, or perhaps its because I have been watching too much election coverage. Whatever it is, I find myself wondering more and more, “What can I do to act locally while thinking globally?”
Global-Gals popped into the front of my mind. Why not talk with intelligent women I have met here in San Diego who may or may not have the same beliefs, goals, experiences, or desires? A safe place I can talk about something other than my children. And then maybe even take action, educate myself and others, and be a stronger, more positive influence on my children.
My vision for Global-Gals: Gathering of girlfriends to discuss women’s and girls’ issues and to make changes locally with the global environment in mind.
Issues can be global:
– Ongoing unproductive war in Iraq and Afghanistan
– Worldwide food shortages
– the new HPV vaccine
Or local:
– Financial goals to protect and support my children
– Financial goals to protect myself
– Deciding where my children will go to school
– The devastating education budget cuts
– The financial uneasiness within the City of SD and the corrupt government
… the list goes on.
I want everyone to feel comfortable that this is a casual opportunity where you can participate fully, partially, or not at all, depending on your mood, your time availabilty and your desire. We are all busy so I don’t want to add too much to anyone’s full plate. I was thinking of a monthly get together but am open to every other month or once a quarter. Later in the evening, say 7:30-9:00, after dinner and husbands are home to take care of the kids and the pets.
First get together: May 22, Thursday, 7:30 at my house. Possible topic: Upcoming local election June 3
Please let me know if you are interested in this concept by emailing or calling me. If you are interested and another night of the week works better for you, let me know. I will send an official invite for the first get together if I have enough interest.
Thanks for considering the idea and I would love to get this off the ground. I hope to hear from everyone!
P.S. In case some of you are wondering, I have not yet invited any of my girlfriends from work. I wanted to keep the number manageable at this early stage and I already see my friends at work 5 days a week!
– Julie’s Email