Welcome to 2011! Thanks to all of you for keeping the Global Gals alive and kicking for three years! In 2010, we learned about healthy nutrition and estate planning. We shared recipes and helped a family in need. And we always have fun! I am looking forward to even more in 2011.
Our gatherings are scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of each month so mark your calendar now. We will determine possible topics in January so bring your ideas.
January 13 – Introduce yourself. Be sure to invite a friend
February 10
March 10
April 14
May 12
June 9
July 14
August 11
September 8
October 13
November 10
December 8
We are also planning a wine tasting hosted by my friend Catherine Uzeta on February 26. Check your email for info.
I will send an official evite before each Global Gals Gathering so please RSVP on the evite so I know how many women will be attending.
My Global Gals vision:
A gathering of girlfriends to discuss women’s and girls’ issues and to make changes locally with the global environment
in mind. Share ideas. Learn about your community. Do something to make a positive difference in someone’s life.
See ya soon!