Thank you to our guest speaker, Mr. Chris Kluth, from SANDAG. He spoke with us about the Regional Bike Plan Early Action Program. Below are my notes that I took during his presentation.
First of all, SANDAG is the San Diego Associate of Governments which is a State agency with local jurisdiction. They coordinate big projects such as highways, railways, cycling.
Adopted Bike Plan in 2010. 2013 got an early action program: $200 million. Largest and only one in the country dedicated bike program. A Local sales tax of a ½ cent goes SANDAG, some of that tax money pays for the Bike Plan.
The plan includes 42 projects and 77 miles.
Priority projects: bike path up to North county and East county. Coast to Crest Trail out to Santee. On street urban projects. Everyday trips. Little connections within the community.
Economic development impacts on the plus side. Local businesses and property values see an increase. SANDAG talks to council districts – SANDAG brings money. It’s a project, not a plan.
“Parklet” now a place to sit. Take out parking spaces for sitting. Looking to incorporate green area and protected bike lane. Projects improve safety. “Low stress” greenway, take bikers off the busy street. Signage and outreach campaign to show how to get off the busy streets. Focused on “interested but concerned” bike riders. Biggest potential.
North Park – Mid City has 10 schools on 12 miles of bicycle boulevard and cycle track. (i.e. Meade, Orange, Landis). “Traffic calming” around school zones. Timing of completing project: construction at the end of 2015. Property values go up at least 8% along bike boulevards and near bike paths.
Have a plan, get input form community (i.e. North Park Planning Committee), go through City input. SANDAG has a different set of rules to follow. Have strategies to deal with community disagreement.
Uptown Project: controversial. Transforming Hillcrest. Has separate cycle tracks, traffic calming, and bike boulevards. Studying traffic flow on University from 6th to Normal.
City of San Diego painted green bike lanes to indicate a conflict zone where bikes and cars cross paths.
Ciclosdias, November 9, Sunday 10-3:00. www.ciclosdias.com
**The Park Blvd bus project was not a SANDAG project. **