Global Gals Gathering July 27, 2023
Attendees: Alexis, Angela, Janice, Jen, Leigh, Linda, Megan, Susan, Sandra, Shea
Inspirational Woman: Monica Montgomery Steppe, current San Diego councilmember running for District 4 San Diego County Board of Supervisors. Proven leader, redirect Works hard for everybody, represents the public. True public servant.
Dr Stephanie Barbakoff,
Dr B helped Jen introduce red meat back into her diet after 13 years of vegetarianism. To Jen, Dr. B is a super genius.
A lot of misinformation when it comes to nutrition and hormones.
Question: DUTCH test, bio-identical hormones, headaches, sleep, warming event or heating element, night sweats vs hot flash, iud for progesterone, fibroids, synthetic hormones, spectrum of peri-menopause to menopause to post menopause
Trained as a chiropractor. Alternative medicine. Diplomate in clinical neuroscience. Specialize in neurology and concussions and migraines. Works with patients who don’t want pharmaceuticals. Took functional medicine and nutritional classes and continues to maintain her license. Research studies that you can read: epidemiology, interventional
Everything we eat and drink affects our hormones. Plastics affect our bodies.
Adrenal fatigue: burnout, apathetic, don’t want to get out of bed. Brain issue, brain tells the glands what to do. Brain tells the muscle what it should be doing. Can affect your body by working on the circuitry of the brain. Adrenal fatigue now known as HPA access dysfunction (hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal).
The ovary works every other month. One bad month followed by a good month may be related to a bad ovary. Concussion can be different for woman depending on where they are in their cycle due to hormone levels. Recovery can be longer, for example.
Everyone is different. Digest whatever resonates with you.
Adrenal glands pump out cortisol and DHEA. DHEA affects their libido. Adrenals pick up the slack from your ovaries when you enter menopause. Adrenals have to work harder for the last third of your life. Support your adrenal and manage your stress. Be more resilient to stress and also our world is not setup for longevity. Also be aware of cellular stress, process stress at the cellular level. What do you think about when you wake up. What is your “tiger”? Guard that part of your mind.
Cortisol problem shows itself as blood sugar levels during the day. Your bodies response at a cellular level to your diet. Food choices will make your body change.
Food balances your blood sugar. Consistent with your food choices. Two things to improve your nutrition: (1) get your right amount of protein. Meat gives you complete protein. Plant gives you incomplete protein and you need to make up the difference. 1 gram of protein for every pound you want to weight. Your target weight equals the grams of protein of complete protein per day. Track your protein, your macros to give you the quality (protein, fat, carbs). Suggested app to track your food intake: Cronometer app. Multiply your target weight by 1.5 to find your fats and carbs combined. Fat soluble nutrients are only found in fats. Carbs are quick burning fuel. If you are sedentary, you do not need carbs. Debate around fibers. If you want to support your gut, increase bone broth, gelatin, stew. Weak bones, add more bone broth. Eat liver to support your liver.
Alcohol so toxic that liver stops doing its functions until it clears the alcohol from your system. Alcohol with a meal stops absorbing nutrients from food.
(2) Blood sugar management. If you are leaning animal based for protein, then blood sugar fixes itself. Fat and protein are the big logs, slow burning. Carbs are kindling, you are hungry five minutes later. Naturally occurring sugar is fine such as honey, fruit, vegetables. Find a normal quantity of natural sugar.
Dial in your protein target and blood sugar levels.
Consistent with waking up, eating times, coffee, sleeping time, eat within an hour of waking up. Takes discipline.
People with trouble falling asleep tend to have a racing mind. Need assistance with training yourself to fall asleep. May also be a cortisol problem. Train your morning to help with your night. Blue light at night keeps you awake. Turn off screens including TV two hours before going to sleep (any backlit screen). More realistically its an hour. Turn off the blue light, switch to red light.
People who wake up in the middle of the night, cortisol test saliva test. Can take a test in the middle of the night to determine if cortisol is off. Typically liver problems will wake you up from 1:00 to 4:00 you may need liver support. Circadian training and adrenal support needed for peri-menopause. Can use herbal Chinese medicines that help with circadian cycle. Some people eat high protein and high fat snack before bed to keep blood sugar level in check.
Eat a variety of foods to get the proper nutrients.
Migraines tend to be a genetic disorder. The root cause is neurological. Dr. B. uses non invasive therapies for migraine treatment. Nutrition and hormones also play a role in migraines. Genetic food sensitivities.
Bio-identical hormones. Pregnenolone hormone is a master hormone that can be used as a bio-identical hormone. Dr. B. has had more success with nutrition and lifestyle. Synthetic hormones cause your body to stop producing the natural hormone.
DUTCH test is saliva and urine test throughout the day.
Dr. Barbakodd offers free consultations. Typical 30 minutes first consult $185. DUTCH test is $600. Then meet for an hour at $185 for 30 minutes ($370).
Think about the toxins in your every day life. Makeup, household cleaners, plastics.
Think about protein intake: bacon, egg, cheese, avocado, heavy cream, yogurt, cheese, avocado. Pick and choose your vegetables carefully. Fruit is fine.