Zoom meeting on July 29, 2020
Attendees: Janice, Julie, Kristin, Megan, Sandra, Sharon
Go to bottom for website resources.
Sharon: La Jolla Merchants held a panel discussion via Zoom about diversity. They have diverse interns and fund a diversity consultant.
How do we activate voting on college campuses?
Places to donate:
- San Diegans for Justice – they advocate for separate independent community based review committee.
- Critical Resistance: Megan attended a webinar about abolishing the police all together. They consider life without police or prisons.
Megan: Look at your local neighborhoods (Nextdoor is good resource) because many have small, community groups supporting BLM.
Kids can register to vote at 17 ½. Julie learned this fact from San Diego High School. Make sure the 17 year olds in your life know they can register to vote at 17 ½ and then vote when they turn 18.
Kristin: How to we assist black communities that already organize such as BLM? Kristin can check with her friends.
We all agreed to target young people this election cycle.
Megan and Heather (via email): consider Wall of Moms although they activate at a moments notice and act on the front lines. A facebook group exists for those that want to investigate.
Julie: groups that only organize on facebook are missing reach into other audiences/activists.
Ideas for participation: letter writing campaign to police; school board meetings during public comments; phone banks.
U.S. Voter statistics (from census.gov)
2018 midterm elections
18 yo+ citizens (eligible voters) 228,832,000
Registered 153,066,000 67% of eligible
Voted 122,281,000 53% of eligible
2016 elections
18 yo+ citizens (eligible voters) 224,059,000
Registered 157,596,000 70% of eligible
Voted 137,537,000 61% of eligible
- League of Women Voters 101 Days of Action leading up to the election https://sites.google.com/lwvsandiego.org/101daysofaction/
- Swaay.com for books, movies, webinars, and podcasts about racial justice
- Brian Stevenson Ted Talk 2012 https://www.ted.com/talks/bryan_stevenson_we_need_to_talk_about_an_injustice?language=en
- https://weareultraviolet.org/
- JJ’s Reading Corner: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD8UaMLX2yIFgSyidNy1hAg
- Critical Resistance: http://criticalresistance.org/abolish-policing/
- San Diegans for Justice: https://www.sandiegansforjustice.com/
- SURJ: https://www.showingupforracialjustice.org/
- Pew Research for voter demographics and statitics https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/05/21/u-s-voter-turnout-trails-most-developed-countries/